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Digital Maharashtra

Start Date: 22-01-2016
End Date: 01-01-2017

We live in the digital age. With citizens becoming increasingly tech-savvy, the Government of Maharashtra is bringing about a paradigm shift in the way services are delivered to ...

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252 Record(s) Found

BHAGWAT THENG 8 years 10 months ago

Digital India start from Village level and Rural part of India, not depend on a only media or only papers, You can take the development of Rural first, then get result of digital India surely.


HETVI GALA MARU 8 years 10 months ago

i intend to make an application in collaboration with the MCGM it is a very simple format beneficial to both the common man and the government

please provide me with an email id so i can post the details of the application i intend to make. The main aim of this is the betterment of the city and participation of the common man especially the youth even in their day to day lives to make a difference which we intend to do but find it difficult in our busy schedules.
awaiting your response


arvind nikose 8 years 10 months ago

वर्धा जिल्ह्यात सिंदी (मेघे) ग्राम पंचायत येथील इ निविदा प्रक्रियेचे दस्तावेज बोगस निघालेत. एकाच क्रमांकाच्या दोन इ निविदा वर्धा जिल्ह्यात आढळल्या. दोन्ही इ निविदेचे दस्तावेज डिसेंबर २०१५ मध्ये मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी जिल्हा परिषद वर्धा यांच्या निदर्शनास आणून दिलेत. अजूनही FIR दाखल झालेला नाही ही तक्रार मुख्यमंत्र्याच्या "आपले सरकार" पोर्टल वर सुद्धा दाखल करून ४ महिन्याचा कालावधी झाला. अजूनही कारवाई झाली नाही. २१ व्या शतकात कसा होईल डिजिटल ?

कागदावर निश्चित होणार यात कुणालाही शंका नाही.


amish_4 8 years 10 months ago

digital maharashtra
a common man like me thinks digital for getting whole thing on my internet

no doubt govt has taken initiative for digitalizing but are we upto the plan that govt have

i suggest govt has really good on going plan the problem is its exciution..

the primary step for digitial india is getting our backlogs clear. lets make the exsisting project succesfull.

otherwise it would b like we are planning to do mba but dont know what is profit and loss


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