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Digital Maharashtra

Start Date: 22-01-2016
End Date: 01-01-2017

We live in the digital age. With citizens becoming increasingly tech-savvy, the Government of Maharashtra is bringing about a paradigm shift in the way services are delivered to ...

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We live in the digital age. With citizens becoming increasingly tech-savvy, the Government of Maharashtra is bringing about a paradigm shift in the way services are delivered to citizens.

By embracing technology whole-heartedly, the Govt. is working towards 100% transparency, convenience and accountability in the governance ecosystem while improving the overall quality of services delivered to its citizens. This change is already visible with initiatives like Aaple Sarkar grievance redressal, RTS, WhatsApp for FIR Registration and MyGov to name a few.

To make Maharashtra a truly digital state, the Govt. of Maharashtra seeks your suggestions on how it can further digitize its services effectively, hence improving both its own efficiency and the quality of life for its citizens.

All Comments
252 Record(s) Found

Mallikarjun Birajdar 8 years 10 months ago

Hon'ble sir,
I have below suggestions.
Can we implement Rain water harvesting, Sewage treatment plant (re-cycle water), Solar energy and LED bulbs for all government and government aided offices compulsory?

1040 8 years 10 months ago

While getting 7/12 extract, from Talathi in Bhiwapur Talulas (Halaka No. 89) Talathi Ask money ranging from Rs. 100 to 500 and For Ferfar, Rs. 1500 to Rs. 5000. If we do not pay, he never do work. Will Aapale Sarkar protect the poor farmers from such exploitation? Even officers at Taluka level do not bother to listen the grievances. I have experienced this ordeal more than 3 months and then 19 days at Appale Sarkar Portal, to write letter to Tahshilar, Bhiwapur. How we are suffering...!


Mayank Usa 8 years 10 months ago

Respected Sir,

When guests comes to our home the first thing they see is the entrance. We all keep our entrance the best which creates positive energy & brings smiles & trust. But any one who enters Mumbai through LBS Marg Thane feels exactly opposite. The world's famous financial capital's entrance cannot be in shambles with negatives like narrow entrance, uneven roads, Toll mayhem & what not.

Request to look into and let us all make entry to our own Mumbai a grand welcome.



Sanjay Jadhav_2 8 years 10 months ago

Altogether 50,000 toilets would be built for women under the Swachh Maharashtra Mission, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis told the state Assembly.

"Mumbai needs almost one lakh toilet
Ladies Toilets, Latrines, Washing Facilities, and Wastewater Disposal ALL IN ONE CONTAINER.

: It is well known, serious Ladies Toilet & water problems exist within our Smart country and are identifiable real demands of quality toilets


Nitin Dhanpal Kardhone 8 years 10 months ago

आपले प्रशासकीय अधिकारी जाणुनबुजून कर्तव्यामध्ये कसूर करतात.त्याबद्दल काही विचारले तर स्पष्ट उत्तर देत नाहीत.स्वतःला मे.न्यायालया पेक्षा श्रेष्ठ समजून न्यायालयाच्या आदेशाचा भंग करतात कारण त्यांना माहीत आहे न्यायालयाचा निकाल लवकर लागत नाही.कृपया कागल नगर पालिकेच्या कामकाजाची आपण चौकशी करावी बरेच घोटाळे बाहेर येतील.


Deepak Tolani 8 years 10 months ago

Hello Sir/Madam,

Requesting your team to please make the Maharashtra Budget and the spends of all the Muncipal Corporation online. Also Every Taluka and Dist must have an online system where the citizens can visit and discuss with their local administrators online. In case of a grievance we must have the online redressal mechanism which allows to fix accountability and escalate issues which are of prime focus for the citizens.

720 8 years 10 months ago

I am discuss about the minimum internet speed which was very poor. There should be rule for minimum speed of internet at list broadband providers like BSNL that shoud be provide 2MB/ps without downloading limit. It can common man also afford.


GAJANAN SURYAKANT_MAHAJAN 8 years 10 months ago

1)Now AADHAR card is mandatory
2)So,create a database of all FARMERS in our state.
3)Database should include Aadhar card,address, mobile No,PAN card No,Bank account No of every farmer.
4)Database should include info about field,NO.of Wells in that field,No.of farm PONDS in field,etc of every farmer.
5)Database should include no of children of every farmer.
6)Database should include no of vehicles of every farmer.
7)Above steps will help GOVT to help them


Rajendra Dandale 8 years 10 months ago

We are going ahead to clean India and citizens also are working on. But the concerned government bodies are ignoring the public efforts in this regard. Avoiding to act against political supported encroachment and spilling of garbage. At least must act on complaints. People can't exercise the law themselves, or it will be anarchy

5820 8 years 10 months ago

Dear sir,
Our govt.has work on led in low cost,but in this case led small business lapse. Now this people is work/job less.
We have more option for that ,we can compulsory everyone to use LED bulb.but you can't directly work from your side because of small business people suffering in more problems..(try to understand)