We live in the digital age. With citizens becoming increasingly tech-savvy, the Government of Maharashtra is bringing about a paradigm shift in the way services are delivered to citizens.
By embracing technology whole-heartedly, the Govt. is working towards 100% transparency, convenience and accountability in the governance ecosystem while improving the overall quality of services delivered to its citizens. This change is already visible with initiatives like Aaple Sarkar grievance redressal, RTS, WhatsApp for FIR Registration and MyGov to name a few.
To make Maharashtra a truly digital state, the Govt. of Maharashtra seeks your suggestions on how it can further digitize its services effectively, hence improving both its own efficiency and the quality of life for its citizens.
choiceretails 8 years 11 months ago
Here i have attached two photographs---is it a accident Booth help created by us as just a sample and put up at andheri stations platform no.s4/5--and this has created awareness toward commuters not to cross the tracks--we lookforward such project to take place in mumbai--wr/cr railways stations.we will provide them all.
mahesh tukaram chavan 8 years 11 months ago
आपले सरकार अंतर्गत जनतेकडुन येणाऱ्या तक्रारींचे निराकरण वेळीच न झाल्यास कोणतीही दंडात्मक शिक्षा अदयाप पर्यंत केलेली नाही.त्यामुळे आपले सरकार वर केलेल्या तक्रारींच्या निराकरणाबाबत गांभिर्य आहे असे दिसुन येत नाही
mahesh tukaram chavan 8 years 11 months ago
राज्यातील विविध प्रशासकीय विभागाच्या अधिपत्याखालील कल्याणकारी विकास योजना ह्या जिल्हा परिषदेमार्फत राबविण्यात येतात. उपलब्ध माहितीच्या आधारे विकास कामांचे नियोजन व परिणामकारक अंमलबजावणी, देखरेख, माहितीचे विविध प्रशासकिय विभागांमध्ये आदान-प्रदान व विविध प्रणालींचा परिणामकारक वापर करण्यासाठी तसेच जिल्हा परिषद स्तरावर ई-गव्हर्नन्स च्या प्रभावी अंमलबजावणी करण्यासाठी IT-CELL स्थापन करणेबाबतचा शासन निर्णय होवुनही त्याची अंमलबजावणी निट होत नाही.संरचनाही संगणकिय ज्ञान नसलेल्या व्यक्तीची आहे.
GAJANAN SURYAKANT_MAHAJAN 8 years 11 months ago
1)Create a WEBSITE to generate a UNIQUE CASTE CERTIFICATE NUMBER along with printed CASTE CERTIFICATE for every person who wants Caste certificate from District Collector Office of his district.
2)Link AADHAAR CARD NUMBER of every person to his/her UNIQUE
CASTE certificate Number on the Website.
3)Above steps will help Govt to stop printing of Duplicate and fake caste certificate of any person.
4)Data on site will help Govt to find CASTE WISE INFO of state.
GAJANAN SURYAKANT_MAHAJAN 8 years 11 months ago
Database of NEWBORN children
1)Create a WEBSITE to register each and every child birth in our state every day.
2)Website should generate a UNIQUE BIRTH REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE NUMBER along with printed CERTIFICATE for every child.
3)Link Aadhaar Card Numbers of father and mother of every new born child to the UNIQUE BIRTH REGISTRATION NO of that child on the WEBSITE.
4)Link CASTE and Religion of FATHER and Mother of child to the Birth Regi.No of child.
5)Above data will help Govt.
aamitg 8 years 11 months ago
In city everyone need to stop at traffic signal. person who stop at signal always in hurry and race his vehicle well before signal turn in green as he don't have indication that when it will become green.To avoid this rather than adding numeric display simply by changing signal sequence indication can be provided to driver. in Maharashtra Signal sequence is Green-Yellow-Red and then after Red it suddenly become change it to Red-Yellow-Green, adding yellow after Red will indicate dri
prasad pratape 8 years 11 months ago
Respected Sir plz do digitalisation in municipal corporation also. So that anyone can pay his/her home taxes to municipal corporation directly from home.
Anil Nair_10 8 years 11 months ago
Is it possible to introduce a similar form for Maharashtra also, it will definitely benefit a lot of students and their parents. The website for Kerala's correction form. -- http://keralapareekshabhavan.in/index.php?option=com_content&view=articl...
Anil Nair_10 8 years 11 months ago
My son who being born in Pune was a Indian Citizen.
He became a US Citizen when he was in Std IVth, as a result of me ( his Father) getting US Citizenship.
As per the school leaving certificate, his Nationality was still showing as Indian. Unfortunately there are no forms available for Maharashtra to make corrections to Nationality. Request you to see the following form from Kerala state where they have a single form for making corrections to 12 different categories.
Nishit Verma 8 years 11 months ago
Humble Suggestion! (Related to Multiple Policies of Govt):-
Our Govt have commitment towards progress and swatch Bharat as well. To prove the point kindly consider :-
1. Making BKC Greener **See attached photos,
2. Having Toilets (since daily footfall is quite high daily).
3. Allowing concept of Food Trucks! As decent and average budget options are limited.
4. Allowing dustbins outside office buildings with smoking areas only like Singapore! A lot of people smoke.
Kindly Judge!