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Digital Maharashtra

Start Date: 22-01-2016
End Date: 01-01-2017

We live in the digital age. With citizens becoming increasingly tech-savvy, the Government of Maharashtra is bringing about a paradigm shift in the way services are delivered to ...

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We live in the digital age. With citizens becoming increasingly tech-savvy, the Government of Maharashtra is bringing about a paradigm shift in the way services are delivered to citizens.

By embracing technology whole-heartedly, the Govt. is working towards 100% transparency, convenience and accountability in the governance ecosystem while improving the overall quality of services delivered to its citizens. This change is already visible with initiatives like Aaple Sarkar grievance redressal, RTS, WhatsApp for FIR Registration and MyGov to name a few.

To make Maharashtra a truly digital state, the Govt. of Maharashtra seeks your suggestions on how it can further digitize its services effectively, hence improving both its own efficiency and the quality of life for its citizens.

All Comments
252 Record(s) Found
860 8 years 10 months ago

While travelling to Mumbai I noted that we have to pay toll at ‘Airoli bridge toll naka’(or any other ‘toll naka’) when you enter into the Mumbai Metro and also again when you go out of Mumbai. So you need to stop in line/ Queue for two times. You need to spend petrol / diesel and time two times. This can be saved if toll is taken while you enter the Metro city (you may take double toll say Rs. 35X2=Rs. 70/-). No toll is charged while leaving Metro City. The car which has entered in Metro will c

6420 8 years 10 months ago

The following need to be implemented phase wise:
1. A general portal which should have links to all departments of Maharashtra.
2. All the portals should also be made available on Mobile Apps.
3. e-Seva kendra's to be made self operative, by providing relavent data via machines similar to ATM/Passbook Printing etc.
4. All public requests to be served via multiple channels like , web Portal,Mobile App, SMS , Request via e-seva kendra .


Pradeep Gajanan Prabhu 8 years 10 months ago

The e-Seva centers, which have been outsourced, have been fleecing uninformed citizen. Recently I paid Rs 450 (plus R) for a domecile certificate and Rs 900 for a gazzet notoification to officially recognize the my name change.
The charges should be displayed prominently.


vijay_536 8 years 10 months ago

त्यासाठी सर्व शाळा इंटरनेट ने जोडल्यास सततच्या मीटिंग मध्ये वेळ वाया न जाता शिक्षक शिकवण्याकडे जास्त लक्ष देतील व अध्यापन प्रक्रियाही आनंददायी होईल. व तेव्हाच खर्या अर्थाने प्रगत व digital शैक्षणिक महाराष्ट्र निर्माण होईल.


vijay_536 8 years 10 months ago

खऱ्या अर्थाने digital महाराष्ट्र निर्माण करायचा असेल तर ग्रामीण भागातील प्राथमिक शाळांपासून त्याची सुरुवात करा. आज शहरांमध्ये खाजगी शाळेकडे लोकांचा ओढा वाढला आहे. कारण त्या शाळा भौतिक सुविधांनी परिपूर्ण, पूर्ण स्टाफ , शिक्षकांना कोणतेही अतिरिक्त काम नाही. मात्र आमच्या जिल्हा परिषद शाळांमध्ये शिक्षकांना अध्यापन सोडून इतर अतिरिक्त कामे जसे निवडणूक,जनगणना, केंद्र व तालुका स्तरावर सततच्या मीटिंग यामुळे त्यांना शाळेत शिकवण्यासाठी कमी वेळ मिळतो. त्यामुळे पालक उदासीन होऊन खाजगी शाळेचा मार्ग स्वीकारतात.


Dr UMESH RAMESHBABRULE 8 years 10 months ago

शासनाच्या विविध योजना लाभार्थी अर्ज भरण्यापासुन ते निवड व waiting list पर्यंत Online असावे जेणेकरुन तेच ते लाभार्थी वारंवार तसेच ग्रामसभेचा ठराव व ईतर वेळखाऊ पद्धती बंद कराव्यात म्हणज गरजु लाभार्थ्यास पिळवणुक न होता लाभ मिळेल ह्याची सुरुवात जिल्हा परिषदांपासुन करावी 90% योजना राबविणारी यंत्रणा आहे .हे NIC करिता अवघड नाही महाऒनलाईन कडुनच करुन घेणे अभिप्रेत होते पण असे झाले नाही!

7720 8 years 10 months ago

CM sir on one side u r talking abt DIGITAL MAHARASHTRA n on d other side ur gov is forcing all d budding engineers to fill d form fees physically by going 2 bank I m talking about CET exam fees
D department had given nly one option to pay d fees that is to go physically to any branch of SBI (another headache as dis bank already has rush) we are tomorrows digital citizen and will help in making state digital is this fair..


satish Wasudeo waghe 8 years 10 months ago

सध्या केंद्र सरकार ने एक स्मार्ट हेल्थ संकल्पना शोधलि आहे पण जोपर्यंत


kumar_khanolkar 8 years 10 months ago

Discipline make a great nation. Let us try to make our population disciplined by making them follow the traffic rules. First teach them the rules and then make them follow. Make switching on Parking lights if the vehicle is parked on road. This will reduce many unwanted parking on road. Some cars are parked on road for days and used only once in week/month. these cause misuse of roads. Asking the owners to keep the lights one will make it a costly affaire and the problem will reduce.