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Digital Maharashtra

Start Date: 22-01-2016
End Date: 01-01-2017

We live in the digital age. With citizens becoming increasingly tech-savvy, the Government of Maharashtra is bringing about a paradigm shift in the way services are delivered to ...

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We live in the digital age. With citizens becoming increasingly tech-savvy, the Government of Maharashtra is bringing about a paradigm shift in the way services are delivered to citizens.

By embracing technology whole-heartedly, the Govt. is working towards 100% transparency, convenience and accountability in the governance ecosystem while improving the overall quality of services delivered to its citizens. This change is already visible with initiatives like Aaple Sarkar grievance redressal, RTS, WhatsApp for FIR Registration and MyGov to name a few.

To make Maharashtra a truly digital state, the Govt. of Maharashtra seeks your suggestions on how it can further digitize its services effectively, hence improving both its own efficiency and the quality of life for its citizens.

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252 Record(s) Found

amol haribhau joshi 8 years 11 months ago

Digital maharashtra is good initiative by This government and our favorite C.M. Mr. devendraji.
1. First of all we have to educate people @ , how it to be user friendly, advantages of digitization.
2. co ordination between government officers, employees and common man.
you just ask our government employee for good behavior with common man.


PURUSHOTTAM SHENDE 8 years 11 months ago

Dear Sir, I purushottam shende age 39 Kalmeshwasr Distt Nagpur, want to septup Udyog. So how is the system to follow.there are may obstacles this way.And what are the solutions


Sunil_362 8 years 11 months ago

we are paying property tax on extra 10'x40' Which is adjacent to our plot from last 30-40 years. this extra area is of the main owner of the land which he has rights to sell. but this extra area is not shown on the NA layout. adjacent plot owners are saying its illegal & they encroached on it. we are requesting the owner to revise this layout to townplanning but he is not showing any interest on it. if we are paying the taxes & agreement is on our name then there is no rights of other on it???


Sunil_362 8 years 11 months ago

I am from UDGIR, DIST. LATUR. its tehsil place till date nagarpalika work is not online. where to complain & get updated is big problem. we request you to do the complaint online for this nagarpalika so that janta shall get updated about there request.


Francis_4 8 years 12 months ago

More than Seven months have passed since I sent a 2nd Reminder to our Municipal Commissioner, Mr. Ajoy Mehta regarding the hutments that came on the just paved footpath along Rokadia Lane, Borivali(W)(opp. Bharat Petrol Pump onwards) in May 2015. Till date they still exist. The Citizens of Mumbai would like to know whether he has legalised them or whether they are to be demolished.


udaypatil 8 years 12 months ago

every zilla parishad school should be made e-learn. and basic digital education should be provided at cheap rate and free for below poverty level people.


Dilip Yashavant Patil 8 years 12 months ago

डिजीटल महाराष्ट्र हि संकल्पना खूप चांगली आहे. पण त्याचा पाया असणारा ICT हा विषय.आता सध्या हा विषय सर्व महाराष्ट्रामध्ये शाळेमधून शिकवला जात आहे. हा विषय शिकवणारे शिक्षक मात्र पगाराविना राबत आहेत. शाळेमध्ये ICT हा विषय अनिवार्य करून तेथे ICT शिक्षक हे पद निर्माण करून ICT हा विषय शिकवणाऱ्या शिक्षकांना कायम करून घ्यावे. जेणेकरून शाळेतील सर्व ५वी ते १२वी पर्यंत ची मुले डिजीटल उपकरणे हाताळून जसे संगणक, इंनटरनेट वापरायला शिकून डिजीटल महाराष्ट्र व पर्यायाने डिजीटल इंडिया हे स्वप्न लवकर पूर्ण होइल


Sameer Ajitkumar Zavar 8 years 12 months ago

Respected Chief Minister Devendraji
We all know Ahmednagar District in Biggest district in Maharashtra due to that All Goverment Machinery cant give justice to all Tashil Places In Ahmenagar I will give small example I have given complaint water Pollution to water Pollution board last Year but till today no one arrived at my farm to resolve my complaint if Ahmednagar divided work will be done faster we all know Shrirampur will be centrlised place all near by tashil Like
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