Make In Maharashtra
Start Date: 22-01-2016
End Date: 01-05-2016
Hon’ble Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has launched the 'Make in India' campaign with the goal of making India a global manufacturing hub. India's GDP can grow at the rate of 8% ...
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Dilip Shivdas Patil 8 years 11 months ago
Hon. Chief Minister,
I am from Latur, as you are very much aware the water situation of Latur. I have a plot in MIDC on which I have completed almost 70-80% construction work. I requested MIDC to grant me further extension of one year to compete the construction work. MIDC office issued a demand of Rs.257801/-for extension as per their rule. My request is waiver of charges for extension of construction work. I hope you will look into the matter by instructing MIDC to waive charges
Pritish_4 8 years 11 months ago
Honarable Chief Minister of Maharashtra ,
I am Pritish Navnath Desai the son of Navnath Eknath Desai employee in Transmission P.U. maintaince Department Tractor division Kandvili East . I am Haemophiliac . I have done MCOM & right now I have completed my MBA in finance . But due to haemophilia I am not on satisfactory job . I hope after seeing CV you will help me to get right job. I am eagerly waiting for your response.
Pritish N Desai
sagar krishnath gaikwad 8 years 11 months ago
respected sir, please give information to all people about Rojgar in make in maharashtra.
BHASKAR_59 8 years 11 months ago
Respected CM, we are interested in developing a "Mega Food Park" in Maharashtra. So, request your valuable guidance for the same....
Sunil Ghule_1 8 years 11 months ago
मा.मुख्यमंत्री महोदय,
आपण सत्य परिस्थिती जानून आहात कि, मराठवाडा विभागामध्ये दुसरे महसुल आयुक्त कार्यालय हे दि. १५/०८/१९७५ साली महसुल विभागाच्या पुनर्रचनेसाठी नेमन्यात आलेल्या श्री. डि.एन. कपुर समितीने दुसरे विभागिय महसुल आयुक्त कार्यालय परभणी येथे स्थापन करन्याची शिफारस केली होती... त्यानंतर दि. ३०/०६/१९९५ साली मराठवाडा वैधानिक विकास महामंडळाने परभणी येथेच विभागिय आयुक्त कार्यालय स्थापन करन्यात यावे ही स्पष्ट शब्दांमध्ये शिफारस राज्यपालांकडे कलम ३७१(२)अ. अंतर्गत केली... त्यानंतर मात्र...
Satyen_3 8 years 11 months ago
Biggest hurdle for make in Maharashtra is real estate price in Maharashtra it's very difficult to start any new business since business r not competative for ex. 20000 sq ft godown available for mere rs 20000 monthly rent in south Africa in prime business area while in India this will be more than rs 5 lakhs a month. Can any economist or politician let me know how business will be competative 8 years 11 months ago
Dear Sir,
This is to bring your attention into the difficult condition faced by
people of IIT Bombay at main gate of the Institute. The traffic signal on
the Adi Shankaracharya Marg remains on for very long time. Usually it is
operated manually by the traffic police. When it stops, traffic from 4
different roads flows uncontrollably. Along with that at least hundred
pedestrians will be crossing both the ways every time. In short it is
indeed a chaotic situation. See the pdf attached.
Prasad_126 8 years 11 months ago
मेक ईन महाराष्ट्र हे काय आहे ते आधी बंकेना सांगा नंतर टीवी ॲड व देखावे करावे हि नम्र विनंती .
Tejal Singh 8 years 11 months ago
#makeinmaharashtra- try to develop industry in part of Vidharbha from were most of the electricity is channelized to different part of states. This will result in non migration of educated youth from Vidharbha to different part of state/country.
Prashant Gayake 8 years 11 months ago
Dear Sir,
project is very good,but do the needful for maharashtra student's job .